Thursday, May 10, 2018

I DID IT!!!!

It's May 10th and I've submitted my final assignments for all my classes!! This means it's finally summer and I can relax. I can't believe this semester is over. This whole year flew by in the blink of an eye and I can't wrap my head around that I'm going to be a senior!!! 

I feel like just yesterday I was a little freshmen moving in and absolutely terrified because it was a new experience and I didn't know anyone. I've completed all my education classes expect for one which I will be taking in the spring of 2019. Since I am an English major I do have many more English classes to take, so next semester I'm taking 5 English classes. I was supposed to student teach next semester but due to all the English classes I have left to take I had to put student teaching off until the semester after I graduate. I was a little disappointed at first when I found out, but now I realized that a lot of my friends are in the same position as me.
I can't believe that I'm done with all of my methods classes. Last semester I took social studies and this semester I took science. Although I was very nervous about taking them because I heard that these classes are where you teach full lessons to elementary students and I had never done that before. But I'm happy to say I survived and feel very confident about how I did and the knowledge I gained through it all. Throughout this course I learned how to create engaging lessons and incorporate technology into my lessons. Teaching students through technology has become such a huge part of teachers lives because technology plays such an important factor in children's lives and incorporating it into lessons makes students more engaged and eager to learn. I loved the various websites and techniques Dr. Smirnova taught us to use during our lessons. Some of the ones I really enjoyed were Thinglink! I have never used this website before but it's an amazing way to get students to critically think and work on their own rather than being lectured by a teacher. Another thing I learned throughout this course was the importance of reflection. Having time to reflect on how you taught allows you to see the mistakes you made, what you did well, and where you still need to improve. Not everyone is going to get in front of a class and be an excellent teacher, they have to go back and read watch themselves and be critical of their work. Taking constructive feedback from your peers is also important. They may catch something you did not or give advice that you may not have thought of. I always take my criticism to heart because I want to become the best teacher there is.
I also liked the practice with edTPA. Before this class I had only briefly heard about edTPA but was never taught or shown anything about it. I liked that we got to practice it before going into student teaching and knowing what is expected of us. As they always say practice makes perfect!!
On May 5th I got inducted into Kappa Delta Pi the International Honors Society in Education and I could not be more proud of myself. I've come a long where from where I was freshman year and I know I still have a lot more learning to do but I'm very excited and proud of my accomplishments thus far. I want to thank Dr. Smirnova for all she taught me and for the great feedback and help throughout my lesson planning. I truly think she's one of the best teachers here at the Mount and although this is my last class with her I will be sure to stop by her office to visit. Now it's officially summer, so time to have fun on the beach and relax before senior year begins!!!