Thursday, March 15, 2018

Celebration of Learning

Today was our last day of fieldwork with the 4th graders so we had a celebration of learning. Like we did on our first day of fieldwork with the pre-assessment, we had a post-assessment.
We wanted to see how well we taught the students and what they learned based on what they didn't know at the beginning of our time together. Each group added 3 questions to the google forms page so the students could have a variety of questions to answer. We did this post-assessment on the iPads which the students loved. The students finished the post-assessment fairly quickly which was good because it shows that they actually learned a lot. I haven't checked the results yet but I would imagine they are good because all the students were really engaged throughout all the lessons. After the post-assessment we prepared a Kahoot for the students of different questions from each lesson that each group taught. One problem we had with the Kahoot was that the students were only allowed to pick nicknames rather than their actual names. The students actually loved this idea so it ended up working out in the end. After this we presented the students with a certificate of learning for completing the unit plan on the sensory garden. 

Each teacher read aloud 2 students name and they came to the front of the room to receive their certificate. The students were really happy with this because they were being recognized for all their knowledge and hard work. Dr. Smirnova asked the students to tell us what they thought about us being teachers and how we are progressing in becoming the best teachers we can be. Some of their responses that I loved were "they kept us quiet throughout the lessons which is very hard to do" "the lessons were really fun and we learned a lot from them" My favorite comment was that they like how we dressed!! We then told the students what they did for us as teachers. This class was really interactive and willing to answer all of our questions which I loved because it made the time more authentic rather than having the students not be into the lesson. They all asked great questions which showed they were really paying attention. I'm sad this time with the 4th graders is over because they were a great class but I know I'll be able to see them once the sensory garden begins to take shape. What I learned from this fieldwork experience was how well students work together in groups and how engaged they are when they're learning about something they like. Another thing I learned was that multiple checks for understanding is key throughout the lessons because it lets you as the teacher know what students do know and don't know and what you have to go back and reteach.

Overall I had a great experience and I'm excited to learn more about teaching before I student teach next semester!!

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