Saturday, January 27, 2018

Exploring Science Methods

edTPA- submit 2 draft lesson plans before teaching then perfect it with the changes you would make after teaching and submit that for final grading

edTPA task 1- should be in the future
edTPA task 2- tape yourself for 20 minutes teaching your lesson
                     - first 10 minutes of the video should be you explaining the lesson
                      - next 10 minutes should be from the inquiry and how students learn their academic language to solve the problem you propose
                    - use words such as "I infer" "I conclude"
                    - comment on the prompts to the videos provided, what was good or not good and how you would improve

edTPA task 3 - students tests and feedback
                     - choose 3 students and how they were impacted by your teaching
                     - take pictures of the 3 students work after each lesson
                     - take pictures without comments, use these comments for task b
                     - task c will be about assessment, how you recorded their progress and how you feel they learned.
                      - pre and post assessment to show how you helped students learn
                      - answer the question about how you would change your teaching next time
                      -  add references to readings when explaining your answers

The midterm will be chapters 1-9 in part 1 of the textbook.
objective- specific statement about specific behavior that show students understand the topic
                - avoid percentage
                - write clearly so other teachers reading can understand

- Only teaching 2 lessons: direct instruction and inquiry
- To refocus students attention make sure to find unique ways and not just "raise your hand" or "shhh"
-  Not a lot of text on the powerpoint slides
- Assess prior knowledge, explain material, engage students in the material, assess with an exit ticket at end of the lesson
- Science lessons should have a lot of demonstrations
- Don't forget to make a rubric for inquiry lessons!!

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