Friday, February 16, 2018

Inquiry with Group 1

On Thursday group 1 did their inquiry lesson with the 4th grade. They started out by reviewing their LEARN poster from last time and had the students choral read the rules. To review what they learned on Tuesday, the teachers created a Kahoot for the students. Unfortunately the Kahoot did not work, but that didn't stop the teachers from reviewing. They improvised and began asking the students questions orally instead. Although the students weren't happy about this the teachers handled the situation very well and should all be proud of themselves!! After this the teachers explained the scientific method since the students will be using that throughout lesson. The teachers asked the students to give an example of a hypothesis. One students connected this lesson to a lesson they are learning in a different subject which was great to see them connecting the 2 lessons. The teachers then showed a video about a region that had a water crisis and explained to students that this region needs their help in finding ways to conserve water. I thought the video was a great way to explain to the students what a water crisis was and they all loved it. Some of the students wanted to watch it again! The students were then placed into 4 small groups where they worked on a Webquest designed by the teachers.
The Webquest included an article and a video the students had to read and watch. The students were provided with a packet they had to fill out based on what they completed in their quest. I liked how all the teachers were walking around the room while the students were working to see if any of them needed help or had questions. Unfortunately due to the technical problem with Kahoot at the beginning of the lesson, the students did not have enough time to share their findings with the class. I would have liked to hear what they discovered, but that was something out of their control. Before ending the lesson the teachers presented a video about the water crisis in Newburgh. I liked this video because it made a connection to the students everyday lives instead of them learning about something they cannot relate to. All the students were very concerned about this, it was great to see them wanting to get involved. Overall I thought group 1 did a really great job especially for having to go first with only a week to complete their lesson.
As for my group, we started our lesson powerpoint this week and next week we plan to meet everyday to work on it. I think my group has great ideas so I am excited to continue working with them to create an amazing interactive lesson! 

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