Tuesday, April 17, 2018

5 E's of Inquiry and Reflection on the ThingLink Challenge

What to remember when writing a lesson objective:

  • Use measurable verbs
  • For direct instruction
    •   low level verbs- given blanks that the students will fill in with 4 out of 5 correct from the word bank
    • define, explain, list, match
    • use 4 out of 5 for direct instruction grading 
  • Create is used in inquiry and cooperative learning 
  • Criteria- following the rubric, when you have a create project you should have a rubric  
  • Don't use percentage in the condition!!!

5 E's of an inquiry and cooperative learning lesson

  1. Engage 
    • This is the very first thing you do to start the lesson
    • You want an attention grabber to get the students interested in what they are learning
    • You also want to assess students prior knowledge on the topic
      • This can be done by creating a Kahoot or a google forms with a few general questions about the topic
    • Start out by telling students why this information is important and where they would need to use it throughout their lives
  2. Explore 
    • This is the second stage of the lesson
    • Give students either a website to explore, an article to read, or a video to watch on the topic
    • Have students write what they learned and some things they are still wondering
    • Make sure to have students write it in a different color to differentiate between the two
  3.  Explain
    • This is the third stage of the lesson
    • Give students a website to explore 
    • Have students answer a question based on the content of the website
    • Let students explain themselves in a creative way either by creating a video or acting out a mini skit in front of the class
  4. Elaborate
    • This is the fourth stage of the lesson
    • Students are given a picture or video where they have to create something based on the lesson
    • This is where they have to critically think 
    • For example students are learning about habitats so they are given a picture of an animal and have to create an appropriate habitat for it and include things that are critical for that animals survival
  5. Evaluate 

    • This is the final stage of the inquiry/cooperative learning lesson
    • You want to assess how well the student know the new material
      • Do this by creating a Kahoot or orally asking students questions 
      • If you orally ask questions you must make sure to check with the whole class after a student answers that way you know all students understand the concepts
    • You can have students write a letter or create a powerpoint slide about the topic 
    • Do not ask students to say what they learned because all students learn differently and it is a poor way to assess
I thought this Thinglink project was a great way to create another interactive lesson that students will really enjoy. Thinglink is a great way for students to work hands on with the material and explore different websites and videos on their own without the teachers help. Students can work in groups and individually to explore the links and create the projects. Students will love this method because they aren't being lectured and will enjoy learning more! I will definitely be using Thinglink in my future classroom and even when I am student teaching!!!

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