Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Exploring Earth Science


  • changed its name to watermark
  • you can go to taskstream right from eclass by clicking the green puzzle piece 
  • go to childhood UG (fall 2017 and forward)
  • ED 2520 
  • can upload your lesson plan and reflections 
  • click on what's in blue and you can see the instructions for the assignment 
  • go to evaluation method and you can see the rubric of how you'll be graded
  • DRF-direct response folio 

Reflection about this experience: 
I liked the Earth science activity a lot because it taught me how to make interactive lessons and get students involved in the lesson and they will enjoy it more rather than being lectured.

As a teacher it allows me to interact with different resources and getting the right resources for students to use and expand their knowledge on the topic. It also allows me to think of how I want students to show their learning based on what they learned in the resources. I like that my project had us interact with Thinglink which I have never done before. It will help me later in this course when we do our project for our unit plans on Thinglink. You can add a lot links such as videos, websites, and mini facts about each topic within the Thinglink. I liked writing what I learned from the video and what I still wondered about it because as a future teacher I can know what my students still don't understand and what I have to go back and reteach. What I learned about violent weather is that there are many different types of violent weather that happens throughout the world but doesn't happen in other parts of the world. Even though these types of weather storms can be dangerous, if you take the right precautionary measures you and your loved ones will be safe. Education is not how much you know it's how you share your knowledge!!

Kelly and James

  • explored planets
  • they had to learn about all the planets such as who discovered it 
  • how the planet compares to earth, the temperature, the different features of it
  • had to create a planet and convince people to come to the planet 
  • they liked the project because they had a lot of questionaries to fill out about planets and how 

Amanda, Ganny, and Marie

  • explored weathering/Erosion 
  • they had to watch a video and fill out a KWHL chart 
  • had explore sections where they had to compare what they learned about the two ideas
  • had a lab to complete about an experiment 
    • did it based on how it would have went since they didn't have time to do it 
  • KWHL can be a pre-assessment tool 
  • had many different resources to go through
  • can be used as an inquiry lesson 

Olivia and Bailey

  • explored the atmosphere
  • watched videos about the different layers 
  • they watched a video about a guy skydiving out of an airplane through the different atmospheres 
  • had to make a video about a layer of the atmosphere 

Cierra and Meghan

  • explored soil formation
  • had to create a flipgrid 
    • would be good with kids and they can share it 
  • viewed slides about the process of the formation of soil 
  • had to read an article and write a response to the article 
  • had to explain the soil formation in New York State 
  • can be used for inquiry lessons 

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