Thursday, April 12, 2018

Sensory Garden Thinglink

For my sensory garden thinglink project I had a couple of ideas in mind. I think this thinglink challenge is really cool because it's very interactive and students will love it rather than being lectured. I've never used thinglink so I'm excited to see how it works and create a very fun and engaging lesson for my unit plan! 

Thinglink sensory garden challenge outline: 
5 E's of a lesson 
  1. Engage- ask a question, put a picture 
  2. Explore- video then report what they learned 
  3. Elaborate
  4. Explain
  5. Evaluate
  • Create a topic with a question- use adobe video and let them report what they learned 

Pollination and habitat 
Pre-assessment- Kahoot
  • What is pollination?
  • What is a habitat?
  • What makes a place habitable?
  • How do birds help in a garden?

Activity 1: -pollination video 
  • Have students fill out a chart about what they learned and what they are still wondering about pollination

Activity 2: - all about habitats, different habitats to explore 
  • Break students up into 4 groups give each group a habitat to explore and make a poster about and report back to the class about what they found interesting

Activity 3:
  • Use this picture of a giraffe to create a habitat for it using what you learned about what makes a place habitable. 

Activity 4:

  • Read through this website about the basic needs of living things 
  • Create a video about what each basic need does for plants and animals using 

Activity 5:

  • Create a powerpoint slide about what you learned in this lesson about pollination and habitats and what you found interesting about this project 

Kahoot questions- How does sunlight help plants survive?
-  What are the male and female part to help in pollination?
- What insects help with pollination?
- How many things are needed fro survival?
- What are the 5 main things animals need to survive?

- Why is pollination important for humans?

1 comment:

  1. I explored your thinglink and I really enjoyed it! I felt that it was so engaging and interactive and if students had the chance to take part in it they would love it!
